NIE number



NIE is an abbreviation for Número de identidad de extranjero, which translates as ‘Identification number for foreigners’.


The main purpose of the NIE for Spain is fiscal control. Without a Spanish NIE number, the Spanish tax authorities are unable to assess or process annual tax payments such as income tax (IRPF), and the annual wealth tax (Patrimonio), both of which are paid by non- resident property owners

The  NIE number starts with a letter, followed by seven numbers and another letter in the end (example X – 222827– B). Each NIE number is dedicated to one person and it is neither transferable nor does it expire.

You can do it yourself  and go to the autorized office  in Palma  ( you must ask first for an appointment , you can do it online )

Joined all the documents  :

    • Passport and copy of all pages


    • Address in Spain


    • Completed EX-15


    • 2 recent Passport photos


    • Document proving why you need a Spanish NIE number, which differs depending on your intentions. In most cases it is:


    • a contract showing that you’re going to buy a property in Spain like real estate, car, etc.


    • employed:  job contract from the Spanish company or


    • self-employed: a company ownership certificate or


    • persons with sufficient funds: proof that you can live in Spain without working or


    • students: acceptance letter from the school or


    • job seekers: you can go only with passport, but you will be issued a temporary NIE number valid only for 3 months.


    • non-EU citizens will need the additional proof of legal entry into Spain (for instance a landing card, known in Spanish as a declaración de entrada)


    • NIE application fee 10,40 euros

You can also do it before coming in spain directly in the spain consulate .

If you don’t want to do it Yourself Pascual Associats has partners to help you to do it . Please ask Us

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